

Hypnotherapy provides the environment for you to make changes to thoughts which no longer benefit you.

What is it?

Your thoughts are the foundation of your actions. If your actions don't match what you would like to be doing in your life, something needs to change. 


Hypnotherapy has been around for hundreds of years. It's gaining recognition as an option for treatment which doesn't require pills or supplements. It's a natural ability you have to update thoughts and beliefs about who you are and create actions inline with your desired outcome.

The techniques can safely treat many aspects of common problems with only words. It can help you break physical and emotional dependence on substances, eliminate fears and phobias, create new habits to reach health and wellness goals, change your mindset around your ability to stop smoking, achieve your desired weight, and quell anxiety, stress, anger, or depression. 

Hypnotherapy is also a highly effective method to increase focus, confidence, self worth, and improve sports and musical performance.

What can I expect during a session?

The session starts with a discussion to figure out where you are, what you want to change, and determine your desired outcome.

During the hypnosis portion of the session, your job is to relax and follow suggestions. Hypnosis uses focused relaxation to create the desired change. Relaxation to facilitate the change and focus to let your mind know where to go to create updates.

Questions may be asked to to guide the process depending on your desired outcome. Your subconscious may also be asked to provide signals to indicate awareness and change within you.

You may drop in and out of a relaxed state. You will be able to hear me during the entire session and will be asked questions to guide the session.

Each session is different and dependent on what you want to focus on.

Some of the techniques used may be similar from session to session, however, the content is always unique and discussed before the session. Although you may not recall specifics, you are always in control.

What if I recall something awful?

Your subconscious only brings up what you can handle at the time. Anything that comes up is a sign from your subconscious that you are ready to heal, process, create clarity, or begin a new path.

Can I get stuck?

It’s physically impossible to be “stuck” in hypnotherapy. You are not unconscious at any point during the session but fully conscious. You may be in and out of awareness of what is being said as we work. You mind may wander which is a completely normal part of the process. There has never been a case of someone stuck in hypnotherapy. It only happens in the movies.

You are brought out of the relaxed state when given a verbal cue by the hypnotherapist. There are times when you won’t want to come out of the relaxed hypnosis state because you prefer to stay in the relaxed state. If that happens it may take you a few minutes to return to your normal awareness.

Will I be under your control?

YOU are always in control. You’ll be able to hear what’s going on, respond to cues, and answer questions during the process.

Hypnotherapy is a state of relaxed focus. It’s a natural state you enter at least twice a day (while waking up and while falling asleep). It happens more often than you may realize.

When you drive your car home and don't remember the route you drove, you're in a hypnotic state. Aware, but not aware. If you're deeply engrossed in a book, you're in a hypnotic state. Anytime you're immersed in thought, imagining an event or activity, thinking of a conversation, you are in a hypnotic state.

During your session, if at any time you wish to be fully awake or aware, you can count to yourself “1 – 2 – 3” and open your eyes.

How Long, How Often, and How Many Sessions Do I Need?

Sessions generally lasts between 90 to 120 minutes. The number of sessions depends on what you choose to work on. Some issues take 2 to 3 sessions. It can take more or fewer sessions depending on your commitment to your transformation.

The program is designed to create the most amount of change up front. A recording is prepared for you to listen to for 21 days after your session. If you are committed to the change and listen daily, as requested, the changes will occur rapidly.

Our goal is to get you to your goal as quickly as possible.

How will I  know it worked?

Your results are dependent upon you and your willingness to embrace the process and your readiness to make a change. If you aren’t ready to let go of the issue or struggle to release a block, results will take longer.

Results can be noticed in the minutes, hours, and in the days after the session is complete. Be observant of changes and improvement in your daily actions. Often friends or family notice a difference in you, sometimes before you do. The changes become part of your actions and who you are.

What can I expect after a session?

Everyone’s experience is different. Most feel deeply relaxed. Some feel like they need a nap, others feel more energized. You may recall some of what was said during the session, there are things you may not remember right away, which you may recall later.

After the session, it’s a good idea to go for a short walk. The extra blood flow to your brain helps process the experience. Also, plan to drink extra water and get a good night’s sleep.

Schedule a Hypnotherapy Session

Crush fear, break resistance, become the truest version of you with confidence in every situation.

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