My unique approach is designed to resolve your issues quickly. Typically in as few as 1-3 sessions, saving you years of time, effort, and money.
Unlike traditional coaches and sessions, I use specialized techniques that pinpoint unconscious resources and ignite transformative change.
1:1 Work
No two individuals are the same. Each session is tailored to your specific needs and focused on your strengths and goals.
No Fluff
We get right to the point so you can be on your way, living your life. No homework, exercises, or endless visits.
"Hi Helen!
I know we are supposed to have a follow up this evening, but I have dinner plans with a friend so I wanted to shoot you a quick email.
I have to say after the session, I found myself doing quite a bit of soul searching and with doing that and listening to the recording, I have found that I've had a BIG shift in my thinking and doing! I'm finding that I am doing more things that make me feel good, physically and emotionally, and a LOT less of the things that I felt like I should do to please others (those things that don't serve a real purpose for me any longer). I've cut down on drinking significantly which has lead to being more active especially on the weekends! I'm back to meal prepping for the week, so my husband and I are both eating healthier (I'm down 2 lbs and he's down 4 in just the last week!!) I've pulled out my yoga DVDs and am enjoying doing those workouts again. I'm also on day 3 of no smoking! And I already feel a BIG difference! And this time seems SO easy...I just think to myself, "Nah, I don't need it" and go about my day! I keep my morning routine of sitting on the patio with my coffee, but instead of having a cigarette, I just watch the birds or I tend to my flowers, or sometimes I just sit in silence and appreciate another morning.
All in all, I've felt a pretty BIG and pretty impressive shift and I'm really happy with how things are going since I met with you!
Thank you for all you do!"
"Why do I get so nervous?"
"Will I ever enjoy creating videos?"
"When will I feel confident in social situations?"
"I'm exhausted, why can't I sleep the night before an event?"
"When will I be able to do this without the dry mouth and racing heart?"
Talking, whether in a public forum, one on one, with friends or co-workers, in front of a camera, or to an audience, is a challenge for many. When the thought of it causes your heart to race, mouth to dry, or stress level to rise, it's a problem.
You know where you are now is not where you want to be. You're capable of being calm, relaxed, and comfortable while in front of others.
My job is to get you results.
Your job is to release old patterns, habits, and to shift beliefs about your abilities.
With a new understanding of you, all the past crap will be cleared. The stress, depression, overwhelm, avoidance, and sweaty palms will be part of your past. Rediscover the motivated, confident, innovative, fun, and creative person who exists underneath the clutter and static and feel confident and relaxed.
Energize your confidence and feel calm and at ease in every situation.
Have you tried DIY techniques? Most people have.
Think positively
Change your posture
Practice self compassion
Use your body language
Focus on gratitude
Be yourself
Did they fall short?
These techniques may work once or twice but they don't stop the worry, stress, dry mouth, low self esteem, muscle tension, restlessness, or racing heart.
You’re not alone.
In most cases, your brain and body work exactly as they've been trained. The key is to use the resources you already have to create the outcome you seek.
Everyone has different expectations for their life. Different definitions of success.
Shut down anxiety, sleepless nights, nerves, stress, pounding heart, shaking hands, and a dry mouth without medications, drinking, or endless therapy.
Do you want to continue in this same cycle next week, month, or even next year?
Have you had enough? Are you ready to invest in who you want to be? Are you ready to finally take the actions you've always known you can and live the life you want?
Ditch the stress, imposter syndrome, self sabotage, low self esteem, and even depression. Feel self confidence online, in person, and every situation.
Your thoughts determine how you feel. How you feel influences your actions and outcomes - whether they help or hurt.
Research and years of testing led me to the quickest, easiest, and most effective route for a lasting positive change. Get to the core of the problem and jump back in to the excitement of your life.
This method has helped my clients thrive - regardless of their environment.
When you're ready to feel alive and ready every day, it's time to work one on one.
No fluff, no endless visits, no take home work, medications, or exercises.
From our very first conversation, you experience change which continues through your first session, and outcomes which affect all aspects of your life.
In the initial consultation, we'll discuss your specific situation and determine the best approach for you.
Invest in You - Book Your Consultation Now!
A different perspective on your life, happiness and
enjoying every day, one step at a time.
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